Every story is unique, and some feel compelled to share where their journey for the truth has taken them. Giving people who might otherwise never have revealed their search for the truth behind their biological roots can have a place to share their outcomes that others might benefit from reading.

This initiative is ongoing and ever evolving to encompass the stories about unique individuals who are in this unique situation. People separated at birth from their biological family may not always be the story of a victim of unfortunate circumstance. They may have led perfectly healthy relationships with their adopted, foster or otherwise family. Providing a medium on which they can share what they are comfortable with telling can play a role in how they will now move on in their lives, even if just limited to their perspective right after learning the truth.

People need to be heard and we hope to provide that more and more as we share outcomes from our clients' journeys. Nothing is shared unless the client either advocates for it or assents (or agrees) to share and signs off on the language being posted.

